
  • Licensing Non-exclusive

    For a licensed period, you can use the design on your product. Other companies will also be able to purchase this design. 

  • Licensing Exclusive

    Select a design or collection for your product that has exclusive rights within an industry for an agreed period.  

  • Full Buy-out

    Acquire a design at a fixed rate, this will be yours for perpetuity and can be applied across products.  

  • Bespoke

    Need something suited to your style?  I work with your brief to create bespoke designs. **This work includes both a design and licensing fee. 

Price Guidelines

  • Hero

    A collection Hero is the feature of a collection and is usually the most complex design.

    The average cost to license a hero for a two-year exclusive period is US $500.

    **Factors such as licensing period, exclusivity and royalties and the use of the design all come into the agreed price.

    Depending on your needs we can find an agreement to meet your use and budget.

  • Coordinate

    A collection coordinate compliments the collection Hero

    The average cost to license a coordinate for a two-year exclusive period is US $350.

    **Factors such as licensing period, exclusivity and royalties and the use of the design all come into the agreed price.

    Depending on your needs we can find an agreement to meet your use and budget.

  • Blender

    A collection Blender is a simple design that complements a collection.

    The average cost to license a coordinate for a two-year exclusive period is US $220.

    **Factors such as licensing period, exclusivity and royalties and the use of the design all come into the agreed price

    Depending on your needs we can find an agreement to meet your use and budget.